Monday, June 18, 2012

A fresh look

Are you tired of your own hand writing or the same few ways you know how to paint, write or draw letters? Here's a quick trick I use when I'm painting glasses for different occasions and don't want the same boring letters.

After painting the  new font a few times you should be able to paint it without the paper in the glass.

Here's what you do...
  • Using whatever word program you have on your computer (I have Microsoft Word) type out the words, letters, numbers or characters you want to paint.
  • Highlight the characters and click on the font button. Here you can scroll through different fonts that your computer program has and chose the one that looks perfect for the occasion.
  • You can bold it, italic it and change the size.
  • To get more creative you can use word art to make even more designs.

It's a good way to always keep the lettering looking fresh and you don't have to be a calligraphist!

Pair the new lettering with a beautiful image that you created and you have created a one of a kind gift that they will love (or keep it yourself and enjoy your own artistic abilities!)

Happy creating!

Friday, June 15, 2012

I've seen so many posts lately on Pinterset about DIY painted glasses.

Here's the truth...

While it is very easy to create your own beautiful designs on glasses ACRYLICS will NOT last. If you want your paint to last you need to use ENAMELS. Fact is both cost the same and you can buy them at Walmart.

If you're not the artistic type find a picture you like online, print it out and tape it to the inside of the glass. If you can trace and color in the lines you too can make some beautiful glasses.

Etching is easy as well...

What you need is to tape 2 layers of painters tape on the glass, trace a design on the tape, cut it out and apply etching cream. Leave the cream on for about 5 minutes then wash off. You're left with a long lasting, usable piece of art!

Another Fact:

While some DIY projects are not hard, some people would rather pay the money to have it done for them. It doesn't hurt to try it yourself if you want. It also doesn't hurt to support your fellow crafters and buy it from them.

As a teacher/artist/crafter I appreciate both crafters and buyers. Happy buying and/or crafting!

To buy any of my glasses you seen on my blog or others check me out on FaceBook.!/pages/A-Glass-of-Art-More/194994627232729