Thursday, June 13, 2013

Is bigger better?

I've been working at a small scale with my etching and painting of glasses but is bigger better? My husband has been bugging me to do a large scale project to show off my talents, so I picked up a 24"x36" oak framed mirror to etch. He found an image he wanted me to use that he believes will be generic enough that many people will like it in hopes to sell it.

I find a few things wrong with his thinking. First, I typically like to make to order (that way I'm not wasting my time and resources on something that only I or he likes). Second, this is a big beautiful mirror and is very expensive. If I mess up I'm out a whole lot of time and money. Third, oh who needs a third? Reasons one and two are a big enough risk for me.

Risk is good though, right? If you never get out of your comfort zone, you will never grow. This could expand my business and help me earn more income for my family. The process is long and expensive but I will be moving forward. I hope to have photos up soon with step-by-step instructions.