Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Presidents' Day

I was going to search google for images and craft ideas to post today for presidents' day but I realized they all kinda stink. Why is it that we only see Lincoln and Washington? We've had a lot more presidents than 2. I know they were good ones but wow can't people come up with different things to create for presidents day?

So my thought process started to go into over drive... what about...

  • Silhouettes of the presidents and playing a game of name that president
  • Pop art: Andy Warhol style, with presidents instead of Marilyn Monroe
  • Monochromatic coloring pages... have some red, some white and some blue... arrange them in the shape of the US flag. Use all the presidents more than once.
  • Clay sculptures or bobble head characters of each of the presidents.
  • Create coins for each president... look at current coins and make new images for all the presidents. Use whatever medium you like. Hang them all together to create a mural or mosaic.

Be creative, think of other projects you have wanted to try or maybe had success with and make it about Presidents' Day. Lets get some new ideas out there for others to see. I'd love to teach in a classroom again where I could take pictures of my kiddos works and share them with you, but you either get images from the Internet that I think are similar to the outcome I would want or me creating each project. I'd be happy to do either if that will help you visualize the project.

Here are some images I searched on google image... it gives the general idea of what I was thinking without having a classroom full of kids to have those images it's the best I can do for now.


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