Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Inspiration is everywhere!

Inspiration can come when you least expect it, so expect it. I had the most creative day yesterday, the ideas just kept coming. Everywhere I looked I saw a potential project. I saw an object and thought of a creative use for it. My one mistake... I didn't write them down as I thought of them. (Maybe I should keep a voice recorder with me.) I thought they were such good ideas they would stick in my memory without a problem... I was wrong. While I can still recall a couple ideas, I can't remember all of them.

My advise, get it down, get it out do whatever it takes so that you can recall the ideas once you have time to get back to them. Be prepared!

I'm going to try to remember to carry my camera everywhere I go too. When I see something that inspires me I can take a picture, jot down a few notes and hopefully recall my creativity when re-inspired by the photo image.

Some of my creativity yesterday came from these two items. My cousin asked me to make the clock with a zebra print... the possibilities are endless. I thought of using paint and fabric, old newspapers anything really. The numbers could be taped on with some fun patterned duct tape. I could use a piece of glass and etch the words and numbers, or use frosted glass and the words and numbers could be in other mediums.

Another beautiful point of inspiration came when I was driving to my Emergency Medical Responder class. The sunset was breathtaking. Pinks, purples, oranges so vibrant, so crisp that the image is still in my head. What a beautiful painting it would make. Wish I had my camera though. I'm not good at putting things down from my head, I start to lose details. Another reason to expect the unexpected!

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